Healthcare news
What causes pain in the right hip in females
Possible causes of right hip pain include muscle injury, osteoarthritis, and pelvic floor conditions. In females, it can also occur during pregnancy.
Online misinformation about noisy knees is influencing people to make poor health choices
From cracking, clicks and popping sounds, it is estimated knee crepitus affects up to 70% of people. "Many websites suggested treatment options to reduce knee crepitus, including exercise, medication, passive treatments (such as brace, ice and splints) and rest. There is no research evidence to support this information."
Injections for Knee Pain: Could They Help You?
Injections can help relieve knee pain, depending on the cause. Learn about the different types of injections and which one might be helpful for you.
How To Relieve Hip Pain
Hip pain can be caused by overuse or damage to the hip joint, cartilage, or surrounding muscles, and can significantly impact your ability to perform everyday activities, including walking, going up and down stairs, and sitting and standing for prolonged periods of time.
The “Inside-Out” Anterior Osteotomy of the Proximal Femur via the Direct Anterior Approach in Revision Hip Arthroplasty
We describe an anterior proximal femur osteotomy technique starting from the inside of the femoral canal at the bone-implant interface and heading outward. The technique is used in conjunction with the extended direct anterior approach and allows direct access to and visualization of the anterior, medial, and lateral bone-implant interfaces.